
Proud of excellent guest ratings on

booking-score_m, the global leader in connecting travelers with the widest choice of incredible places to stay, is honoring its accommodation partners that consistently deliver great guest experiences with a 2016 Guest Review Award. Based on over 110 million reviews, this year 355,535 properties in 205 countries and territories are being recognized with Italy (53,005), the United States (24,761), France (23,003), Germany (18,221), Spain (18,037), the UK (16,514), Austria (12,659), Greece (12,439), Croatia (12,219), and Poland (10,399) taking home the most awards.

Vacation rental options such as apartments, holiday homes and villas top the list of properties earning a highly-coveted perfect 10 review score this year, making up more than 70% of the 486 accommodations to receive the distinction. This is not surprising as according to recent research from, 70% of people say they have the best time while travelling when they can make themselves at home, with 59% sharing that they like to feel a personal connection with their host or the staff at the accommodation*.

In Croatia, 12,219 objects from all types received the award with an overall average score of 8.9 in guest reviews. Even 31 facility achieved a perfect 10 score, which proves efforts host your guests want to ensure a memorable vacation. Among the most prized are apartments and houses for rent, which is in line with global trends in demand for holiday accommodation.

This award is a great honor and privilege for us and a big commitment to provide superior service for our dear guests in order to justify this credit.

Thanks again to all of our guests for given trust!